Ghana-Must-Go Now a Fashion Staple

I'm as shocked as you are. How in the world is this staple bag from west Africa now being stamped with Louis Vuiton brand???

Now i remember my family members and random people using this bag to transport random things from foods to money to equipment and now it is a designer's brand and cost as much as a leg or an arm.
It still baffles me how something so cheap and practically disregarded has become a name brand item. This can be found at most corner stores and stalls in Africa especially Ghana and Nigeria. In Nigeria it is known as "Ghana-Must-Go".
I just hope someone in Africa is getting a cut or some recognition for the pattern because we have been using this since way back when and still do.

I'm this close to getting my own bag and making a jacket out of it ....Wouldn't that be something lol


  1. Damn I'm from Ghana and I'm so shocked about this. Doesn't this has a stiffness and weird feeling to it then how can someone wear them. Or maybe some designer went on vacation while out of ideas and saw this and voila? I saw this bag in a Kdrama once and I almost died from laughter. Anyway nice seeing I have an African to share my love for everything south korean considering all my family thinks I'm wierd.

    1. Lol my family has accepted my obsession and welcome to the club


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