Biggest Drama Mistakes Ever

Unemployed Romance and Marry Him If You Dare. What Nonsense were the writers thinking??

We'll start off with Marry Him If You Dare. This drama is one of the biggest mistakes this year. I mean The writers started the drama off on some bullshit coming from the future to change the past shit and really did not know where to go with it. They then brought in the annoying chick that's stuck playing second lead for the life of her. She managed to screw things up with her nosey irritating self. Then we have poor Jung Yong Hwa who played the second lead or first lead. That was confusing as hell. So the whole drama was about Mirae who is one stupid character that cannot make a decision to save her life. Jumping from one man to another and in the end everyone ended up alone.
So i ask the writers "what on bloody earth were they trying to do with this drama?" because the whole thing went to hell basically from episode 1. Mirae both her future and present self played with both men's feelings. I'm still so very mad at myself for watching this to the end especially after i called the nonsensical ending half way through the drama.
I started it for Yung hwa and ended up highly disappointed.

Now on to Unemployed Romance. Woa!!! Where to start with this... So i guess the drama is about love that was lost but not forgotten CRAP. Now i call bull on that. My big issue with this drama is "why did they bring in the sexy accomplished lawyer in"?? Just to dump him.
The lawyer was perfectly fine and he loved her on top of everything. Her reasoning for going back to the ex is that they never really broke up over 10 years and they still loved each other. I am highly vexed at the fact that they basically played with that poor unsuspecting lawyer. They strung him along for basically 9 episodes just to dump him.
I should have known something was up when most of the episodes were flashbacks of the history of how she and her ex met and how they "broke up" some what because of her roommate. I say her roommate did her a solid because the ex had nothing going on for himself plus he came with a lot of baggage especially with his parents. He was taking the bar exam for over 10 years i say they were bound to break up eventually. Then the writers slapped us with the go back to your old love bullshit.

As you can probably tell i am really pissed off and angered buy these two dramas and would not recommend this to anyone ever. It's okay lawyer i'd pick you any day any time. I basically stuck this out in hopes of Lawyer dude getting the chick.
All in all,  If you are going to watch this drama do it at your own peril. You'd be more pissed off than anything if you are like me. T here wasn't anything good about both dramas except for one song in "Unemployed Romance" and the OST hasn't been released as of now.


  1. i am so glad ive stumbled upon your blog! :P was just about to watch both of these now that im on holiday, i actually tried to watch the first ep od unemployed romance and just found it so average!


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