Heirs 9-12 Review

I felt like not much really happened in episodes 9 and 10 except for the fact that Kang Ha Neul's character who seems to be developing. He is suicidal...say what??

Yup people he is. Apparently he attempted suicide before but was saved and is now under serious watch from his mother. I love his character because he seems kinda dark and sweet at the same time. Almost like Young Do but better. He obviously has the hots for his now former tutor who is the current girlfriend of Kim Won (KT's brother). He went to her apartment and saw her outside. He then said something along the lines of " since i'm no longer your student.....blah blah blah" and proceeded to give her a kiss on her forehead. That was one hot kiss even though it was not on the lips. When he stepped out of the car i screamed, normal eighteen year olds aren't that good looking plus he looked mega manly stepping out and talking to her like he was in control. OOO some ovaries suffered during that scene. RIP to them lol.

All the kids went on camping trip. The rich school camping trip and yup shit was stirred up there too. They all had to pitch their tents and McBitchy was too hoity toity to do hers. CES was putting her's up and ye ole Young Do decided to help her. His friend recalled where he had seen her before and that kinda ticked Young Do off lol. That scene was the most.

YD then decided to volunteer CES to do the whole camp's dishes and said he'll help. Yea right!!! His idea of helping is sitting right beside her and watching lol. You just gotta love YD. CES isn't helping either, she keeps caring about him and that really is the fuel to his fire.

I really didn't like BoNa but while they were getting ready to play a nice game of paintball, she shot mcbitch and everyone clapped in cheer. I was beyond happy. In episode 11 she took in the runaway CES which was really nice. She did it because she didn't want her bf to do it lol but at the same time she didn't treat her like trash. I especially love her with Min Hyuk.

 I have to give it to the girl playing Rachel all that frowning's gonna break her face. So she has a break down in episode 11 and quite frankly i had and have no sympathies for that chick. She takes being a mean ole bitch to stardom level.

As i go through every episode i can't help but fall more in love with Young Do. He has completely melted my heart and i' so on his side. He obviously likes CES and he means it too.  At first i felt bad for him but now i'm plain rooting for him. KT and CES moments are still lovely though. The thing i do not like about KT's character is that he is thoughtless and reckless. He thinks of only himself and does not consider the consequences of his actions. When he confessed to his mother about liking CES he wasn't thinking. He basically helped his mom kick her out of their house. His mom on the other hand needs to realize she's the mistress and support them stemming from her experience. She should be supporting chaebol and non chaebol love so to speak.

Finally in episode 12 KT reveals his real mother to rachel and her mom in front of his dad and that didn't end good. KT got slapped twice and boy were those some slaps. The ending of that episode was really sad. Hopefully we get some redemption this week.

KT had a little conversation with the tutor chick and he asked her wheat his brother used to say about him. That was the moment where my suspicions were confirmed. He does love his brother and the time for them to band together and fight against their dad is near. I cannot wait because he's getting on my nerves. This is our current love triangle situation. I'm starting to waver and can't help but being drawn to Young Do.

This woman's fashion never disappoints. In every episode she sports some monstrosity like it's nothing. Look forward to KT's step mom's look book lol.Now while the fact that KT and YD fougt was a big issue i just couldnt get over this ajumma's outfit.The comedy these two add to this drama is just fantastic. They bicker and blackmail and negotiate with each other lol. In laws and they don't even know it.

Young Do found out who CES's mom is and that she can't talk. CES then found out from her mom that her chingu came by to look for her and she ran off to confront him. Leave it to Young Do to dish out one awesome lines that make you just fall for him more. She basically told him he can do whatever he wanted with the info he had on her and he got mad and replied that he didn't know how to deal with the scars in his heart yet alone hers and that he was just lonely because she left and he was glad she came back. Ugh team YD is gaining some serious power. He's mean to prove some points then he turns around and delivers some awesome lines , God don't you just love him?? I do.

These two need to kiss and make up. They actually came to blows two weeks ago. Emphasis on the kiss lord a lot of lives would be ruined if that happens. The bromance options in this drama are so much. So many ships ready to set sail and the fan power behind then are epic lol.

After exposing his mom and getting slapped he went to CES and was standing there and tears were falling and that's it till next week. I say he needs to man up a bit and quit the crying. He did stand up for his mom and i give him points for that. The road ahead is going to be really tough and he's going to ned some back bone.
