Heirs 7-8 Review

We got a confession and a kiss y'all. Well It wasn't really a kiss more like popo

Tan's brother loves him too but his attitude towards Tan seems to stem from a grudge he holds against his father maybe for having another child not long after his mother died. Tan did not beg to be born and it's not his fault that he was. The scene where they KT hugs his brother is where you see that CJH's character actually wants to have a relationship but in order to keep up with the grudge against dad he has to maintain the facade of serious dislike against KT.

Around the end of episode 7 we got a confession. I have to say that was one good confession. Tan may really have some true feelings for CES. He worries about her, wants to protect her and damn near stalks her in a funny way. 

KT noticed the hair on her nape and pulls her hair tie off twice. Who does that lol. Only KT and Min Hyuk in "Secret Love" can make stalking look really good. The second time was just random. She was walking outside in school and just happened to put her hair up. KT walks by and pulls it off lmao while YD is watching.

He took her to school in a cab really early i the morning and while in the cab he "punked" her and put his head on her shoulder for a quick nap that evoked some emotions visible to us the viewers and ugh i love it.

Mixed feelings about Young Do and what he wants from CES. On one hand he seems to care about her but doesn't know how ti show it and on the other hand he just wants to mess with her because she seems close to KT. He does a good job of bullying people. When he dumped the contents of CES's bag on the floor and compared it to that of Bo-Na it was really symbolic and if another person had paid close attention to it they would have been able to tell she was't really rich. YCY came in just in time to defuse the situation.
So YD filed a law suit against the poor kid that hit him and said he'll let it go if she delivers his food. Well she does it being the nice chick that she is and while they YD was eating and she wasn't McBitchy walks in and sees them. She then calls KT on her way out and tells him where and what CES is doing thinking she's going to make KT hate CES but in actuality she's playing match maker. It's official though that YD is interested in CES.

KT's mom and CES's mom are just pure comedy. I hope those 2 end up on really good terms. KT's mom seems so stupid and CES's mom is her buffer lol. KT's mom's ugly friend is in the house and they are gossiping and spilling the tea o different things. CES'S mom hears everything but they didn't notice her until later...i might have hurt myself laughing at this scene along with the scene where they ripped the pillow.

In the kitchen KT's mom goes to "kill" CES's mom lol funniest thing ever. She is given away by her reflexion in the oven door. I think i'm the only one who noticed all the make up stains in this drama.  The brush her has a good amount of make up for two people. About the same amount is on YD's uniform.

CES's relationship with YCY is so sweet. I'm gonna call him her brother form now on. He comes in as cool as ever, says some smart things and breezes away. The note CES left on the notice board in KT's school in America, well we thought he didn't see it. What do you know, he actually saw it and he let CES know that he actually saw it by kinda returning the not to her...it was cute.

KT eventually lets McBitchy he likes CES and she is not happy about this lmao no sympathies for her here.  She said her feelings were hurt i really don't care. I may be biased because i've had a long stemmed dislike for the chick playing McBitchy because she keeps playing the same annoying character over and over again.

Now we are getting somewhere with Kang Ha Neul's character LHS.  He is the love rival for KW, KT's brother. He likes his tutor who is the on/off girlfriend of KW. He leaned in to smell her breath .....yup that scene was hot no joke lol

 I'm pretty sure this scene has alot of people screaming i know it had me on the edge of my seat. I kept hoping they would kiss but yea it's k-drama giving us the typical almost kiss just to make use out hearts are healthy enough to handle the real thing lol

In order to stop the family photo shoot the parents had planned, YD had a bet with his dada that if he win in their fight the shoot would be canceled. The dad won by cheating and told YD he never set any rules so technically he didn't cheat. Well leave it to ole trouble maker YD to come up with a counter attack. He called his dad's ex and the chick shows up at the photo shoot which pisses off the step mom and eventually the shoot is canceled because she's mad. This dad and son beef is very interesting.

The build up to the kiss was good. They were all at lunch and YD positions CES in the candidate for bullying seat and says she has to eat with him. Se sits but cannot eat because the poor girl is shaking like someone out of a frozen river. I felt so sorry for her. Que KT walking in and sees her with YD and a whole scene happens. He then proceeds to take her out of the room and with her food in her hands, YD trips her and she ends u on her plate on the floor.

She escapes with KT who almost got into a fight with YD but she stopped it. As they are leaving McBitchy see's them and isn't happy...go figure. Both KT and CES end up on the roof of the school. He asks if she 's hurt anywhere, she says nods. He is then inspecting her and a call comes in and it's YD..ooooooo. KT tells her not to pick up, she answers it out of fear for her life lol. KT snatches the phone out of her hand and OMO popo happens.....

And we are left hanging here till next week.....guys
