Her Legend

After seeing the first episode i pretty much figured out who the evil person is going to be. The little girl the cousin...mmmmm where is a switch when you need one. Her mother too needs a good lash session. Okay honestly it took me forever to finally get to this drama.
I actually enjoyed watching the kids act more than i did the adults. I have never skipped through so many episodes in my life lol. The first four episodes were slow as hell. I literarily watched like 15mins at most in each of the first 4 eps. The concept is basically the same a Scandal: A shocking and wrongful incident. Around the 5th episode it kinda tried to pick up but it failed. You'd think the same people that brought us Cruel City would come back with some freaking awesome drama.....but nooooo it had to be this. 

A drama about two women with switched fates and a man who has everything finding the truth and preciousness of life. It will follow the love and success story of Eun Jung Soo who works her way up in luxury handbag industry, Do Jin Hoo who is a smart and handsome heir of the greatest fashion group, and Eun Kyung Hee who has to hide her true identity for her dreams.

There were way to many annoying and irritating characters than good. Now don't get me wrong this was an okay drama for some people but for me it was just a boring version of scandal if not worse. The drama did not have a good enough plot to be interesting and it did not have enough eye candy to keep me coming back. There's one actor in the drama that was cute but he wasn't cute enough.

The only way anyone can get through this drama is if the wait till it's over and marathon it that way you get the option of skipping through much of the not so relevant scenes. For the sake of this blog i put myself through the torture and watched this in chunks. Some people have said they liked the drama namely my friends and i say to each their own.

The ending was a very big disappointment You'd think the bad people would have gotten really good comeuppance but nooo. Not even a slap on the wrist. If they had killed off the chick with the big eyes i would have felt better. The acting was sup par and every other thing made no sense what so ever. The kiss scenes seemed forced and it was just a big ole flop.

If you are going to watch it well good luck. This is definitely one of those dramas i wish i skipped.
