Heirs ep5-6 Review

So we left off at the house of KT as he was about to open the door to the kitchen where CES is standing, drinking some water. The never ending glass of water. I wonder how delicious that water was because she was really enjoying it. Made me think it was soju or vodka...lol.
Welcome to Ridel High (Grease) lol ok jokes. This is the school for the rich. Where all the nose in the air . "Future Leaders"kids are being bred. The school where electives like Tennis and golf to say the least are offered. It looks like a nice resort though.

Miss McBitch did not know her "fiancĂ©" was back in town and had to hear about it "in the streets" so she's mad at everyone with her ugly face. And leave it to step brother to rub it in her face. Woo bin's character has some really good jabs in this drama. Some times you are on his side and the other times you just want to punch him. But in the end you just love his character because he's adorable. I actually feel sorry for KT. The relationship with his brother needs to end good. That bromance would be awesome. Their ass hole of a father we really don't know his agenda for both boys but they need to band together and get rid of their dad asap.

What in the ugly fashion are these characters sporting in this drama?? The person in charge of KT's wardrobe really needs to be flogged. What in the old people, alien fashion did they have going on in ep 5??

If this is high fashion then i'm a peasant. First they had him in the mama willow shirt, then the flower print then the alien silvery goldish monstrosity.  We just know that these will become popular like nobody's business because it's LMH sporting it. Like i said ajumma never disappoints in her fashion.

Any who we are fully back in S.K thank heavens and shit is about to go down as of episode 5. I'm thinking there will be a love pentagon by the end of this drama. 4 guys trying to get the attention of one poor chick.  This pentagon will consist of CES, KT, KT's brother and CES's friend Min Hyuk....lol that's my love prediction.

So an interesting bit. KT's father gives CES a scholarship to go to the school for rich kids and i tell ya!! they are raising some company kids that won't make it in an alley like they would ever need to. But i think KT's dad is shipping KT and CES. I don't know about the first son yet but he looks good with his little tutor gf. I just hope they work out but not with evil ole hunched over dad watching. The way he treats her though is like she's not important. Guess he's wants to love her but is borderline scared of his father and is rightfully so.

What in the frenching was that bit with Min Hyuk's dad and McBitch's mom??? All of a sudden they are making  and we gets no warning. Shit to think the daughter is going about talking down at Min Hyuk while her mom is all up on his dad's goodies.

And what do you know, after that make-out session wit her husband to be just a few feet away, the next time she sees him she's mad he didn't call her after. Someone's jonesing for some of Min Hyuk's dad. Now don't know what it is about this guy but he cleans up nice. We hated him AHYI if you watched that drama you'll know what's being referenced.

Up until the preview for episode 7 you'd think KT's dad was an angel but no that crippled mother fucker is trying to embarrass the poor girl and make her realize she shouldn't be near KT. Basically she should stay in her lane. He's so gonna get his.  Not much happened in episode 6. We just see the bad side of Woo Bin's character as a bully and a nasty one at that. Basically the haves picking on the lowly have nots. If your family is nothing or well not rich then you get picked on bad.

They are all in the same school now and CES is having a hard time already. KT keeps trying to protect her in his own way, while WB is like an eagle, a very funny one at that trying to swoop in and take CES because he thinks there's a relationship between her and KT.

The school itself is divided into classes. Now you'd think that rich is rich but noooo it's different here. And in episode 6 it is made clear.

Anytime this chick is shown i loose it. She does know people like her never get the guy in the end.... She needs to read a book or something. All that money does not cover her ugly attitude. So CES returns bitchy's name tag and asks for her immigration paper back and the idiot says she threw it out and then proceeds to insult the CES by dropping $100 on the table and walking away. The respect we have for CES has grown because personally i would have snatched her up and given her some bruises but you know that's just me lol.

The beef between KT and WB is one that we are still trying to get to the bottom of. On a lighter and brighter note it's official WB is oh so very interested in CES and we are loving the love triangle.

CES is going through it with her mom and their scenes break my heart. Hopefully these kids will not be in high school the entire run of the drama. There needs to be a college bit thrown in where CES moves out with her mom and has a good job.

On the other hand, KT is so in love with CES it's not even funny. Their kiss scene better be a good one. We hope they took notes from the adults (McBitch's mom and MH's dad). A preferable kiss scene would be one that tops the one from Personal Taste. We are left hanging here where CES is pretending to be asleep to avoid talking to WB and KT calls him from across the street. The drama is definitely getting more interesting. And there you have it a nice staring contest. Until next week, try not to miss this drama too much.

OST #3- Moment by Changmin(2am)
