Heirs ep 3-4 Review

So obviously Kim Tan is lovestruck over PSH and i am loving it. We've gotten some jealousy out of Kim Tan because of PSH's friend Min Hyuk. I would be jealous too. At last at episode 4 we are heading back to Korea.

I honestly feel like they could have gotten away with the out of country thing in any other Asian country because half of us don't know what they's be speaking and it would be more believable. I'm just happy to be leaving the US lol. Those Z list actors they had in this drama were wearing my nerves down.I would give props to the drama for showing us some beautiful scenes in LA. That is definitely one thing Kdrama does right with the awesome scenery shots.

Let's get into it. Bratty MC bitchy bitch aka Kim Tan's Fiancé contacted Min Hyuk and gave him the address of where PSH was staying just to get her out of the way...Puhlease like that will help her situation in any way. Min Hyuk Shows up and takes PSH wit him. This pisses off Kim Tan because he obviously likes PSH. Min Hyuk's dad is close to KT and they found out they know each other... how sweet.

Now before all this happened PSH and Kim tan went on a trip where Kim Tan met  with his hyung CJH who was totally mean to KT but we still love him because he is sexay. Some mean words were said to KT and PSH witnessed the whole thing. We do find out that KT actually loves his hyung. KT was kinda sad because he expressed that he expected PSH to come to his rescue like she said but pish posh...he walks away.

we are teleported to the scene where they are driving back to his place. not attention while driving Kt did not notice the boulders on the road. Now this is the bit that got me...The other lane was clearly free since just their car was on the road and he swerves onto a hill which pissed me off....LOL i tried not to let it get to me but it did. The car gets stuck and they can't get it out. The eventually end up walking the stretch of road and we get some beautiful sunset shots.

I watch this drama with a group of lovely girls in my FB group "i <3 Deurama" and right at about this point we started with our predictions. One of my friends called it that they would et close enough to kiss but they won't. Was she right.
KT and PSH walk to a sleazy motel in a place that looked like the forgotten part of Texas that was being run by yet another out of shape American...lol one more reason i'm so glad we are back in Korea. They end up spending the night together. Unfortunately nothing happened but we did get mani mani skin-ship.

KT's step mom never ceases to deliver with the fucked up outfits. She murdered our eyes with this ensemble that favors and umbrella. Her outfits do the most in this drama. I'm so looking forward to the ones she's yet to serve. I should do a look book staring all her outfits.

PSH is set to go home but before she does she wants to try the pancakes she spoke to KT about. KT goes to meet his fiance and ends up spilling about how he thinks PSH would be at the pancake restaurant and bitchy wants to go there to confirm it. Well they are there and she crashes their cute little date and insults both of them (PSH and MinHyuk). At this point i was woosahing because i was damn near close to punching my screen. Cut to the airport scene where KT is seeing off bitch and she hugs him..."barf"PSH walks into the airport and sees them, she turns to walk away and KT yells her name and tells her to wait while bitchy is still hugging him....lmao funniest scene ever. Totally off topic this boy's body's giving life hunty...wooo i replayed this scene like nobody's business. The fascinating thing was that after all that fighting the hair still stayed in place. That's the power of kdrama "Hair Spray" available at your local dollar store.

So far we are back in the states and KT knows CES is living in his house. The previews however is really interesting. I foresee a love triangle between KT, CES and CYD. I'm so happy le biatch didn't show up much in ep4.

Everyone's happy KT is back except big bro. We don't know the whole story yet but i really need their bromance to be in full effect. Wouldn't that be awesome. Another great scene was when CES' s mom blackmailed KT's mom to allow her daughter stay in their house that was too funny. 

 So until next week.......try not to miss the drama too much. I know i'm craving ep 5 already.

