Who Are You and Golden Empire 2013

I saw the 2008 Who are you and i totally loved it. It was more comedic and romantic. This one was darker but i loved it. The leads had good chemistry if you ask me.  The story line was enough to keep me interested and the actors ugh love love love it.
2pm fan here so obviously i was rooting for Taecyeon the whole time. The other guy was good too but i just had to fan girl for my Taec. The plot of this drama is about a woman who after waking up from a 6yr coma starts seeing ghosts. She's a cop and the whole thing deals with cops and corruption and romance. The cast boasted of 2pm's Taecyeon, So I-Hyeon and Kim Jae-Wook.
Overall, i liked this drama. It was an okay drama. Would definitely recommend it. It will be nice to marathon this on a weekend when you have no plans.

This is available at dramafever and Viki.

Golden Empire
I dont know where exactly to start. This drama was both smart and intriguing. The writers did a good job of conveying the power of greed in this one. The actors were also excellent in their characters' portrayal. So the drama is a rags to riches story but with an awesome twist and family greed thrown in.

One of the reasons i started this drama was just to see Go Soo and it was well worth my time. The acting was daebak. Go Soo made the perfect mad man.
Now there is basically no romance in this drama although i was expecting one. Even without the romance the drama was intense and very entertaining. The chemistry between the leads was awesome. Now if you are into family feuds, greed, money, economics and power struggle then this is the drama for you.
Before this drama, i had no interest in economics and stocks and shares and stuff even though i am a business major but this drama made it interesting. After watching it i can say my interest in finance and economics have been peaked and this is one i shall miss a lot.

The ending is in the air with me. Sometimes when i thing about it, it's like i get it but then i'm like nah it's something else.

This is available at Dramafever
