Master Sun ep 9-10

OMG we finally get a kiss and it was awesome.
Tae Kong and Joong Won are a great couple. I'm so in love with them. So this review is basically a need to know thing. Snitching uncle was very useful for the first time in his life. He snitched on Tae Kong being with another guy which lead to our wonderful kiss. And he stayed with her.....that was the sweetest thing ever.

I totally love Joong Won's secretary / assistant he is awesome. I love the way he plays match maker. I just hope he is all good and will not turn on us later on.
Seo In Guk's character is so pathetic. He needs to stop looking at Tae Kong and look at the fly that keeps buzzing around him. They are perfect together lol. The fact that the pianist felt like he could do that to tae kong was just aweful. I was so mad for her and the wife is stupid too. But she did slap him and tell him off which was fantastic baby lol. This was all in episode 8. The guy could not do anything because he was so dependent on his wife and she had died.  He also did not want to let her go. Tae Kong sees the wife and relays messages to the hubby.
Hubby being the ass hole over heard Tae Kong and her sister talking about how her body can be taken over by ghosts if she's out of it and he drugs her.
This actor lost a lot of weight. Hope he's alright
Hence the new "Tae Kong". Before the ghost exits Tae's body she reveals Tae's secret about how she likes Joo. Now he has something over her.... soooo cute. I think i replayed thay kiss scene like a million times dramafever's about to kick me off their site lol...i kid i kid.

Moving on to episode10. Joo's bk from his business trip to China and he arrives with this thing. Now i'm not a fan of hers because she has played slut enough times to piss me off. They are supposedly "engaged" and his aunt ceases this opportunity to rub it in Tae's face to drive her away and Seo's character see;s it as a way to get on Tae's good side.
Now the marriage is not real but Tae doesn;'t know that. As one of the engagement gifts they are presented with a very expensive pottery piece but it is haunted. Anyone who looks inside it will be possessed by what's in it. Guess who's the prey His aunt. In her dreams she see's and falls for a very cultured man but in actuality this is who she is falling for.
This was the funniest scene when the glass was broken and she woke up to this creature on her lmao i died
Tae warned them about the haunted piece. The uncle who is suffering because of it takes the piece to Joo's house and tells him to keep it. The only way to get rid of it is to smash the vase as per Tae's warning. Joo does that but tells her she has to take responsibility for it. Basically keeping her beside him. Yessssss so for it. I especially loved how Joo's uncle took heed when Tae gave the warning about the vase.
This scene was too cute "uri agi"...i wish i were her in his sexy arms oh Lord
 The last scene was when Joo told Tae Kong that he think's he's falling in love with her...OMG i died twice. That was the sweetest confession ever. He did that after he shut down the friends table where tCelebrity chick was trying to make fun of and pick on Tae. Oppa to the rescue thanks to cupid uncle.
 I for one cannot wait for next week. Supposedly the chick Joo was in love with is alive ....duhn duhn duhn duhn....This is a Hong Sisters story. They messed up "Big" for me i hope they do not fuck this up.

 I'm out.
