Goddess of Marriage ep23-24

OMG finally this drama is going somewhere. Up until now i have not had a reason to write about this drama because it has been dragging and the annoying things have been ughhh don't even get me started. For a 32 ep drama it's starting to finally pick up.
So finally the woe to me acting seems to have moved aside and the woman has come to play. One of the main characters has decided to stand up for herself and break free of the EMIL abuse she has put up with for over a year. I personally would have gotten a divorce within a month but hey it's not me ...lol. I guess you can say she was hoping that her husband would do something and not be so weak when it comes to his family's wrongful deeds. This is a clear example of bottling up shit and then having it explode. I just hope she sticks to it. I'll be so mad if she backs out.
All the women in this drama are starting to see the light. Ugh this is exciting. I had planned to drop this drama but things are looking up.

The gold digging chick is really irritating. So now we just need to wait and see if we will be disappointed or not. The last scene left us with Ji-Hye unconscious i'm hoping along with others in drama land that she's not pregnant. I want Eun Hee to end up with that hottie in her class and not go back to that cheating ugly husband of hers.
And finally Hye Jung needs to take down that evil family. Ugh so many emotions flowing while watching this drama.
