Good Doctor Ep 1-2

Wow..i'm torn It's official. Joo Sang Wook and Joo Won who the hell am i supposed to root for??? This drama has made me cry and laugh hard in just 2 episodes. I for see dehydration in my future with this.

Over and over i have said this "who in their right mind cast these 2 together in the same drama?" Two heart wrenching men on screen at once with impeccable acting skills , daebak.
the casting director and everyone involved in this drama are so responsible for so many ruptured ovaries in dramaland it's not even funny.
I have officially cried and laughed in just 2 episodes are you kidding me?? This is so good and is fixing to be one of the best medical dramas i have seen so far. Joo Won is doing a marvelous job at playing an autistic character. You find yourself feeling sorry for him and at the same time i love how smart he is.
Moon Chae Won's character is just lovely. She's pretty much the only one who's trying to be friends with Joo Won's character and they are so sweet together....ugh feels. I'm excited to see a lead female character that isn't weak. 
She actually speaks up...ugh finally. There are some very familiar faces in this one. The lady that played Chea Won's nurse in Nice Guy is playing a nurse here also.
So basically this drama has the right mix of comedy, drama and suspense. Loving it so far. The kid actors did awesome jobs too. Can't wait for next week more eps...Are we gonna be able to last till then??? 
