Wall Street Journal calls Kdrama Fans "Lowbrow and Uneducated" Really??


Are you serious Wall Street??? I thought you guys were a bunch of educated people then you published this and yea i have lost respect for you totally. And you have succeeded in offending almost every k-drama fan out there.

 The article can be found here 


I will nicely dissect your publication and show you how it is flawed from a person who is a kdrama fan and is very well educated.  This is an excerpt from the post:

"The study, based on a poll of 400 people aged between 20 and 60 taken in China in January, divided viewers’ tastes into categories according to the levels of income and education."

Here i was thinking all those business classes were not going to come in handy. Well i thought wrong they did turn out to be very useful in pointing out the "everything wrong" with Wall street's post.

One thing i'm sure i learnt in college was about sample size  and your sample size is way too small to be considered feasible and worth any mention. The people that took part in this survey are definitely going to be uneducated, why? Because all the educated ones who also love kdramas were probably busy and had better things to do than to take part in this survey. This research is based on people only in china and is not even 1% of the people that watch kdrama in the world. So this statistic is way off. The age range is way off too most people that watch kdramas from the few i know range from well in their mid teens 16 to 60 or over. Most teenagers that watch kdrama are in high school not counting them is a big mistake.

I can guarantee you that if you go to every country in the world and randomly pick 400 people out of each one to take part in a survey the chances of those people being uneducated are very high because the ones that are educated probably have better things to do unless you choose people at work or in school.  Now i am a college graduate with two degrees under my belt who's fully employed and i love watching kdramas. For me it's more about learning a part of the culture and the language. Granted it is a little over the top but at the same time some of it is educational and thought provoking. 

Every single person i know that is into kdramas and Jdramas and Tdramas are either in school, employed or both and they are all educated. Wall street's post is basically generalizing and insinuating that people who watch dramas are uneducated. It would be as good as me saying that all people who watch American dramas like "One Life to Live and "All My Children" that has been on for centuries and basically has everyone sleeping with every other character are sluts. 

"The high-education-and-high-income group showed a preference for the subject matter’s novelty, fast pace and suspense — often found in U.S. TV shows, the report said. “The Big Bang Theory” was the most popular feature for fans of American TV".

Is this is a plug for "Big Bang Theory"...i do not know and do not really care because i do not watch that show.  I do not know how many people were in this survey to conclude that all the high education and highly paid people preferred big bang please this research needs a big do over.

"The report also offers a caveat: highly-educated and high-income viewers may conceal their fondness of lowbrow entertainment."
I for one have never concealed the fact that i have a fondness for kdramas and the people i know who are into it haven't wither. That does not mean i will generalize based on the little amount of people i know. One of the appeals of these Asian dramas for me is that they have endings. Unlike the American ones that go on forever and loose their meaning like Lost that show never ended for me. Season one made it's point and then i was lost after that.

So wall street stop it.
