Nail Shop Paris 10

What arrant nonsense was this??? What in the hell type crap was this? After 9 episodes of picking sides they end with this shit???? So we get a Gumioh, a Mom and With nails.
 I made peace with the horrible acting and accepted that this would be a fluffy nonsense free drama. Well what do you know. i was oh so wrong. I'm so mad after watching the last episode that it's funny. Like five hundred things happened in this one little episode.
All of a sudden Bunny's dad is in the picture. She goes to visit him to find out if he's a gumioh too. Cut to where he's feeding the sheep throwing enough food to serve as an appetizer for one sheep. Poor things they were hungry. I was so mad when he was throwing so little food.

I feel so Poor Song Chae Rim he just had to be roped into this nonsense. So Bunny is a Gumioh as stated in the beginning. Well half human, half gumioh and her mom is the owner of #NSP.
Jin saw his girlfriend talking to the doc she kinda liked and misunderstood the situation (typical drama ish). While he walked  away, she fainted and was rushed to hospital. Jin shows up later after Bunny calls him. Then nosey doc wants to have a word. 
He punches Jin and spews all this bs and the whole time i kept yelling boo mind your business. Was definitely not trying to hear his irrelevant self.  Aww Jinny got hit by that punk.
The couple end up making up and all that good stuff. But the later Jin gets her some ice-cream which she isn't supposed to have and he looses consciousness.
She had some kind of illness and needed surgery but her blood pressure was too low. Gumi-Bunny is there with her mutant self and heals her with her powers (really stupid).

All of a sudden we are hit with the fact that there are Gumioh helpers and hunters. Alex just happens to be a helper. And bunny would live a comfortable life as long as Alex is beside her because guess what?  Wait for it.... He is also half Gumioh and half human. Aigoo these writers were seriously out to get me...i swear it.

Bunny ends up with Kay and they have a kid six years later. With Alex in tow as the "helper", bunny's hair grows back lol and her daughter is the same kid that played her in the beginning.....lmao. What in the threesome family is being promoted here??.......

What was the deal with the witch nails bunny was sporting in this episode....ugh pure frustration i tell you..

Anyways the threesome will live happily ever after i'm guessing and Bunny now runs NSP. That's all i got from this drama. I only did it for Kay and Jinny every other person sucked balls.
