Jang Ok Jung Live For Love Finale

I don't think i have liked a saeguk as much as i liked this one. The acting was perfect, the cast was perfect and the OST oh my God....Need i say more. I had an issue with the chick that played Dong Yi ugh she gets major hates from this end. that character is one of my most hated characters ever. She has basically sealed her fate in my book and should stick to annoying parts because i can't see her in anything else besides irritating  characters.

It has taken me forever to write this review. I just haven't gotten over the writers did to me in this one.
This drama is one for the books and is a definite must watch.

 I hated the fact that the writes followed the real story. I mean i wanted to be lied to thats why i live dramas so much, basically my escape from reality. I did get a very goo lesson in Korean History. The love the king had for Ok Jung was so strong that the ending really broke my heart. From the way it was delivered by Yoon Ah In.

All the actors and actresses did a very good job. This is a must see drama if you want to see a story that plays on the truths of history. I for one prefer lies but it was good either way. For a happy ending stop at episode 20.

For a lesson on the realities of what went on back then or a glimpse of how things went down watch it all the way to the end. But i myst warn you the ending was not a happy one. Thanks to the chick that played Don Yi. I shall forever dislike your face.

There were happy times and then there were some major downers. Good luck if you eventually end up seeing this.
