I Hear You Voice ep14

Okay why wouldn't the ratings be awesome when all this cuteness and adorable scenes are being put before us. Yoonie's cameo was daebak. So Lawyer Cha turned down a position at Yoonie oppa's law firm lord knows why. Anyways it was awesome to see Yoonie.

I dont know what it is about this drama but it keeps getting better and i'm so psyched that it got an extension from 16 episodes to 18 episodes. Lawyer Cha is really creeping up my spine but he's okay. I really dont know what will happen when Jang pyeon finds out Joon Kook is after her because of Soo Ha's dad. Hmmmm anxious.
I just love the two of them.
My heart broke for Soo Ha after he told Jangpyung his memory and ability had returned. He has alot of things to deal with. I just hate seeing him hurt (making any sense??)
Then he remembered how he was shunned by his uncle because he thought he was a freak.
So why won't Joon Kook just die and get it over with?? It's bad enough he cut off his own hand just to frame our oh so cute Soo Ah but damn he's really going to see this crap till the end. On a side note i just love these clowns. They make my day lol especially the half bald one and his nose strips.
I'm also shipping these two...bromance. They are good together.
He already fucked up Cha pyeon's arm (i lol'd there cos he was pissing me off).
There are side stories and all but all i seem to care about is Soo Ah and Jangpyung's story....ugh bless my shipping heart lol. The cute moments between these 2 is just so phenomenal and mega funny.
 This kiss was way too cute. Finally they own up to their feelings...i lost it but i'm okay. All hell's about to break loose because the everything is about to come to light on how baby girl isn't really her daddy's daughter. Its okay let it happen so she can run into sexy lawyer's arms in the end. Totally shipping both of them.
I never liked her daad though. I just knew he was hiding something big. Messing up an innocent man's life just to make a name for yourself....ugh utterly disgusting.  It will be so sad when she finds out about her real dad. I wonder how she will take it??
 See ya in the next one. Annyeong
