Cruel City 11-14

OMG i'm so glad he's dead...I can't begin to tell you how happy i am about that scene when he was stabbed. Too bad it was by the chick i hate. Ugh she needs to go. Along with her crew.
Ermmmhemmmm i'm gonna need mor escreen time with Paksa and Soo Min. He loves her omo omo We kinda got that after he uhmm put his life om the chopping block to save her ughhh sarang... Basically she's marked because the chairman wants her life. He want Paksa to feel the pain he felt because he lost his son and blames Paksa. And Soo Min just happens to be the one that chairman called aigoo....museowo.
 Safari and his chick killed him, Paksa planned with Scale and the story the cops got was that Jo Ha Neul is actually Paksa... Way to throw them off. He did do a number on them though
What is going on in this drama i just cannot figure out anything. Everyone seems to be working for one person or the other especially the police or investigative center. Every other person is corrupt.
For now Safari and Cute Ajussi are done.

When it comes to Hong Ki the only guy that knows Paksa adeul is a cop, my spidey senses start tingling because i dont know if he is good or bad. I hope for heaven's sake he is good. Every other thing points to him being bad. I really wont be surprised if he's the head of the whole drug scheme. It's like he's playing chess.
Love these three though
How did i not notice they were father and son. I must have blacked out at that point. Dad is on the corrupt route and the son is blindly chasing Paksa because of the dead girlfriend. Mean while he doesn't see the reporter who is damn near dying of thirst for him to notice her.

LMAO she likes Safari wow i really didn't see that coming. Haha i cannot sympathise with her. Serves her right Safari does not like her back on poo what to do now annoying chick?? So Jin Sook likes Hong Ki and i think he likes her back. Or she likes PaksaWhile Safari is on the other end harboring feelings for Jin Sook.
Jin Sook told Safari not to make her hate him more than she already does....Ya!! i heard his heart break at that point lmao. No sympathies here pap.
 Safari getting fucked up i swear is the best scene ever.

Someone needs to do away with this chairman dude. He's really working my nerve. Every top person is kissing his ass. Wow this drama really opens your eyes to some other level of corruption. And the chain keeps getting longer.

Paksa found out the truth about his mom's death and he confronts cute Ajussi about it. I wonder where this will go. So basically Ajussi has been using him this whole time....wae chincha??? I really did not want them to have this tiff.
I swear this scene cracked me the hell up. Straight up bitch vs muscles. If all those other cops weren't there the prosecutor with all that mouth would have gotten fucked up. He keeps getting in the way and talking shit.
