When a Man Loves (Final Review)

My review on Mydramalist had some not so happy readers but i'm still standing by it especially after the  last episode. So this review will just be the edited version of the one there.

All the writers of this drama need to be under some kind of witness protection program because they have succeeded in angering so many people including myself that had to sit through 20 eps of this BS. This drama was written under the influence of some serious narcotics. Still stand by this because they basically filled a good drama with 8 episodes of bullshit.

The acting was okay because they did a good job of conveying the foolishness the writers were spilling out. Trying not to give away any spoilers, I'm a strong believer of the saying "don't bite the hand that feeds you". Well in this drama there's a lot of biting and chewing and an attempt to amputate the hand that was doing the feeding. 
In this drama you get to witness ungratefulness at it's max and decisions that make you question the way some men think. The drama was good and cute up until about episode 10 when the writers decided to play "how far can we piss off the viewers". In all honesty, the drama could have been done in 16 episodes or better still 10 episodes. We could have done without all the crap from ep 11 to 18. The only take a way is the OST. There are some really good songs in this drama....The drama had some good potential that was played with. I

Who in their right mind has the dream of taking someone down just to enjoy picking them up and being there for them??? This character is the worst i have seen in my entire drama life. Sun Jo is one mad chick.
The final episode was so nonsensical it had me gagging. I'm happy Tae San did not get killed off and he got a nice family reunion and all but what the hell is the deal with Mi Do?? The fact that the drama hinted at them getting back together is really annoying. Tae San and Tae Min were just too cute together. I loved the bromance. Roy was super sexy.

Sun Jo's character got what she deserved, there is no way you can force someone to like you just because you like them. She ended up alone along with purple hair. The funny part was that Jae Hee ended up alone. Really?? After all that fuss the girl did not stay with him. Honestly i thought he was so immature and impatient which is a major turn off.

That leprechaun suit Tae San's samchoon was sporting the whole drama was just hilariously dreadful. 

Most of the characters ended up sorry in some way. So if you will give this drama a go just be sure to skip episodes 11-18 if not you might just drop the whole thing out of anger. All the guys looked good though except purple hair and Jae Hee. I just couldn't stand those 2.
