Lee Min Ho's Album

My Everything
 Before writing this is listened to the album a good 5 times. And it wasn't back to back that's probably why it took me so long to get to this review. LMH is a cutie and all...that's a given...

But after putting this off for a long while i decided to give it ago as per the requests of my buddies. Honestly, i really did not like the album. I know there are some die hard LMH fans out there but for goodness sake just be honest with yourselves. There were two songs that i could manage off the album.

One song sounded like a dining room song. My brother heard it and thought the same thing. "Without You" and "Love Motion"were the only songs  could borderline stand.

You and I sounded like something for kids. I personally think he should stick to acting.
Finally, this is not something i would pay to listen to at a concert i'm sorry....money better spent on cosmetics...

If you want to listen to the whole album, here you go. Found this on youtube and ll the songs are included.
