Cruel City Ep3-4

So i called it Miss dare devil was killed. Even if she's not listed as a main lead you just get that feeling that she's going to die. Oh the kicker is she was pregnant too and she didn't know it. When people don't know when to quit, it usually bites them in the ass and sometimes it's too late.

Yup, sniper got her in the head

So why they had to let the cop know that daredevil chick was pregnant really does nothing. Okay she was pregnant..How will that change anything....She's DEAD!!!
He apparently knew daredevil chick when they were younger up until she became a cop. And she died in front of him. That hurt him and all i wanted to do was hold him ugh sexy doctor's son.

He even looks good crying.
 Apparently, Doctor's Son is is a cop. That totally threw me off and now i'm intrigued and want to find out how he got into being a cop because the history they have shown doesn't any indication of him growing up on the right part of the law.

Umm side note, the shower scene in episode 3 was mmmm. Let's just say i was speechless. Paused that part for a bit then drooled for the next 3 hours lol. I can't get enough of Doctor's Son.

The competition's on between Hyeong Min and Doctor's Son for being sexy.
