My Love for Shinhwa

OMG OMFG where do i begin???
Okay i have a very deep love for "KPOP" from the boy bands to the girl bands to solo artists i love them all but one and it's not like i don't like him. He's just to prissy for my liking.

I think i might be inlove with every member of Shinhwa. Ok i dont think, i know i definitely am. How did i manage to stumble upon Shinhwa??? Well i was minding my business on youtube stalking some kpop artists as per usual when the video for "Venus" was recommended on the side and i was interested in it. Clicked on it and my life has not been the same since then.


From Eric to Jun-Jin to Hye-sung to Andy to Min-woo to Dong-wan love all six of them.

They are mega talented and so funny. They are the perfect combo any way you want to look at it. I dont think you can go wrong with Shinhwa. Eric and DongWan have been in some dramas i must say their acting is great.
 After that i proceded to watch basically all the dramas with Eric Mun in it because he is my bias in the group along with Jun Jin omona i want both of them lol. 
The plan is to go see them in concert one of these years :-D

It still amazes me how all six of them are just "oh so sexy". Most boy bands have the not so good looking one and the really good looking one but all six and they have been together for over ten years. Now that's something to applaud and some groups need to emulate that.


Their song are also amazing. I bought their last album and i love love every song on it. The only time i ever have this thing where i love the whole album is for my babies the Backstreet  Boys. I'm still getting into shinhwa's older songs have quite a few i have fallen for like "Eusha Eusha" and "Perfect Man". My eonni out me on to "Brand New" by Shinhwa and ugh i love it too.

Can they do any wrong in my eyes??? UHM i think not. I do have my "Big Bang","Shinee","Beast", "CN Blue" and "FT Island" love , fan girl trips but gawd i love my older men hence the Shinhwa craze.  I appreciate them in every which way.

I found this video on you tube and thought it was really funny...gotta love Eric Mun
While i want to going into their music i'm afraid i'll be at this for a while so i'll just leave you with this one song and leave the exploring to you. Hope you enjoy it and love them as much as i do.


  1. Hi, fellow SHCJ!! Just curious, have you watched Shinhwa Broadcast? If you haven't, it's a MUST show to watch. They're really hilarious and you could really see their close friendship. So far I'm enjoying every episode and my love for them deepen. shinhwaforeversf(.)tumblr(.)com has some episodes subbed and they're the best subber for Shinhwa. Or asianshows(.)tumblr. Have a nice day! : )

  2. p/s : And sorry to say this, but that first picture of Andy is not Andy though. It's Micky Yoochun of JYJ. They do have similar facial features so it's easy to mistake one for the other.


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