Korean Bob

In a couple of dramas that i have seen, i noticed the bob hair cut. It seems the cut is trending. While i'm not too fond of it because i have seen it on some actresses while in characters i don't like ....i am slowly falling for the style. But some of them just resemble bells.

Now the style can be cute, mature, simple, plain, busy and also lets not forget plain old UGLY. There i said it. Why do some people feel that every style would look good on them?? I blame their bad friends that will not point out how bad the style is on them and also the people wearing the styles without getting the opinions of others......ugh i digress lol

Cute with not too much going on
While the short bob is cute i prefer the longer bob as opposed to the ear length ones. But at the same time i appreciate some of the short styles. Maybe the approaching summer is the reason for the style trending.

So here are some of the looks i'm fond of.
Simple and Cute

Plain and simple

not really a fan. Maybe it's the view

This is Just Awful...i'm sorry
Would be nice if it wasn't too puffy

I love the way this sweeps across her forehead 

This is just plain Ugly. Does not complement the face at all

LOL no comment Bwahahahahaha

love this. Playful and Mature

Love Love this. NOt too long not too short

Thought this was really funny....now her hair is so bad she gets more than 2 shots lol
This suits her perfectly. The color also works
