Korea's Overexposure Law

                                                                              So this news was the thing buzzing all last week and i thought i'd look into it. So this is the article about South Korea's over exposure law...>> http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/21/world/asia/south-korea-overexposure-law.

I see what this law is aiming for, trying to keep the integrity of some of the women but with the American culture making it's way into other cultures, this will be difficult.

Read the Article then decide on how you feel about it.

When you google this article SNSD's  the only group that's being used as examples. Kinda feel bad for them lol.

Does this law make sense not really, this is what they are used to why try to change it now?? I mean their skirts can be hiked up as high as it will go short of being naked that's what sells and that's what's comfortable especially in the hot summer months.

Some music videos have been restricted to 19 and over i really find this funny.
Some sites are asking if this is the end of kpop, i dont know but my take on it is that if it were a complete ban, then all the female kpop artists might as well stick to audio and face pics only and hope they are recognized based on their vocal talent and not their looks.

Some of them do over do it with the cleavages and thongs but at the same time this helps some girls with insecurities...and the message could be being comfortable in your own skin and flaunting what you've got.
All in all the law should be seen as something that will keep pop stars from baring in all on stage which is where it was heading and say you can be sexy with out over exposing yourself.  Some would happily pay the fine and wear skimpy outfits......
