Always (Only You) Korean Movie

So by not it's is a well know fact that one of my bias is So Ji Sub and anything he's in i'll basically watch given enough time. So it's thursday night and i have nothing better to do so i turn to a Korean movie. Alway came up with good reviews and wow those reviews did not do it justice.

The movie stars So Ji Sub(hubby for life lol) and Han Hyo Joo (the chick from shinning inheritance).

The plot of the movie:
Cheol-Min (So Ji-Sub), a man with a dark, mysterious past, picks up a part-time night job as a parking lot attendant. He sits in the tiny pay booth in the parking lot and stares at the small television. A woman named Jung-Hwa (Han Hyo-Joo) walks into the booth. She offers something to Cheol-Min and sits next to him. Cheol-Min realizes the woman is blind and she is confusing him for the parking attendant who worked their previously.
Nevertheless, the woman comes back on another night to watch the same television drama series. She constantly asks Cheol-Min questions on what is happening on the television screen. Cheol-Min starts becoming attached to the woman. Their past is tied by a life altering incident.

One day, Cheol-Min accompanies Jung-Hwa to a musical. Afterwards they have dinner together. Jung-Hwa asks about Cheol-Min's past. Cheol-Min ruthlessly berates Jung-Hwa for asking about his past. Their relationship becomes frozen.
Several days later when Jung-Hwa's boss follows her home and tries to sexually assault her. Cheol-Min busts through the door. He beats Jung-Hwa's boss savagely and attempts to comfort Jung-Hwa. They move in together and start to live as a couple. But can their happiness last? (Asian Wiki)
This is my favorite scene in the movie
The movie is fantastic and the main characters' stories are so intertwined that the way thy meet and the way everything played out was just sheer genius. I cried my fair share and laughed at the same time. This is a movie that will put you through a nice set of emotions. I love movies like this that dont just focus on the tears but you get to feel so many different things in the span of an hour and about fifty minutes.
