Queen of Ambition (Yawang) Ep 9-10

After episode 10 i realized how scary this drama is and tried to imagine what's to come but i just cannot put two and two together.

In order to cover a lie, a bigger lie has to be told. When someone commits a crime and tries to cover it up, there isn' t a legal way to do it than to commit more crimes to cover up the first one and before you know it, you are too far into a dark hole to try and find a way out.


Joo Da Hae releases Lisa, Baek Do Kyung's horse just to deter her from finding out about Ha Ryu, the poor horse gets hit and dies. Ugh poor poor animal. On an awesome note Da Hae gets a marvelous slap from Do Kyung for touching her horse..... that moment was clap worthy.

RIP Lisa

Ha Ryu made the stupid mistake of sending some faxes to Joo Da Hae letting her know when he would be released and that he would be coming for her. I think he should have just come out with his plan and  slowly take her down for all she has done but dumb ass got really hype. That cost him his brother's life.

Joo Da Hae went to her step brother to add more lies to what she has already told him, telling him Ha Ryu was threatening her and he was coming to get her. Sexy step brother Joo Yang Heon then reassures her that he'll take care of everything with his hot self.

Ha Ryu becomes Cha Jae Woong
Cut to outside jail where Ha Ryu's twin brother is waiting for him, Joo Yang Heon then drugs him and drives off with him. Uhm Sam Do the guy that helps Ha Ryu in prison sees everything and when Ha Ryu gets out they drive off in pursuit of the car.
Seok Soo Jeong
Cut to Cha Jae Woong (Ha Ryu's twin) and the sexy step brother who then proceeds to beat up the twin after he tries to escape. The twin realizes he is taking a beating for his brother and receives a final blow that knocks him to the ground and his head hits a rock and he dies. I cried buckets during this scene. I lost it, because they killed him too early and he just proposed to his girlfriend Seok Soo Jeong and the dad was waiting for both of them to come home. It was really sad. All of this is because of Joo Da Hae's greed and need to cover her ass.
An Sim and Taek Bae
Joo Da Hae gets these two evicted so no one can find them and trace her past. Mean while, Baek Do Hoon's aunt Baek Ji Mi is using Da Hae to seek revenge on her brother for killing her husband. Finally her story comes out because i had been wondering why she was always helping Joo Da Hae. Kinda feel bad for Do Hoon and Do Kyung they are just means to different ends for almost everyone in this drama which sucks for them.

Where we left off:

Joo Da Hae is now a big wig not really big but enough to be in the papers. And she keeps suspecting Autorney Cha Jae Woong is Ha Ryu who shoud be dead. She does not know about the twin deal.

Ha Ryu has taken up the identity of his twin brother because Joo Da Hae thinks her step brother killed him and her relationship with Baek Do Hoon has been made public without the permission of his family who have to deal with the after math.

He is also working a new plan to get Joo Da Hae back with the help of his partner Uhm Sam Do who is constantly watching his back preventing him from majos slip ups that can derail their master plan.
