Incarnation of Money/ 돈의 화신 (1-4)

I started this drama and for the most part i'm just going to vent before i get into it.  First of all the side chick that the father had, really just pissed off and irritated my soul. I would have loved it if the mother had gotten another opportunity to slap the shit out of her a second time instead of being lead held back.

Park Soon Chun/ Mom
Oh Yoon Ah/ Side Piece

Ji Se-gwang
Park Soon plays the chaebol mom and Oh Yoon Ah is the actress and is also the mistress of Soon Chun's husband the father of Ji Hwan's character. Pretty much all the people around this family are after the money.
Bok Hwa who saves Cha Dong

Cha Dong/ Kang Seok
Bok Hwa's daughter Bok Jane


Family lawyer who took part in the revenge plot but i have a feeling he will turn around and help Cha Dong


Cutting through the boring parts, Evil Guy, Ji Se plots a revenge scheme using Oh Yoon Ah and the family lawyer to get rid of Ji Hwan's father and pin the whole thing of his mother. Apparently Ji Se is doing thisn as pay back for what Ji Hwan's father did to his family. All in all he uses these people but  along the way some stragglers just happen to get involves like the nosey reporter and a lawyer who has a reputation of being honest.  They are all silenced with money- it really does talk.

The cast so far i'm okay with because i have seen them in other dramas but i still cant get past the bitterness i fee when i think about the character in the red.

The little kid from Stars Falling from the Sky, May Queen and Boys Over Flowers as Jan Di's little brother really did a good job in this drama. He's a man now, well not really but he's on the right track if you know what i mean.....

After episode 3, the serious bits of the drama is done and our guy Kang Ji Hwan comes in. His character starts off with the hilarity as expected. He want to become a prosecutor in order to meet the person who has sponsored him his whole life, well since he lost his memory. In order to become a prosecutor, he has to have some experience under his belt but he is not given a chance because his supposed sunbae is working on a really important case and does not want any new faces of spies involved. 

I am sticking with this drama because of Kang Ji Hwan and Hwwang Jung Eum. Love the pair of them.  The usual dramatic side is done and the drama is much more bearable. So the genre tags for this drama are Business, Romance and Drama but with Kang Ji Hwan in it there should be a comedy tag. I officially love this guy and his work. Well all the ones i've seen. The comedy in this drama is beyond words. Just make sure you do not drink any liquids while watching this because there's a slight chance that you with spill anything you are eating or drinking.

Without Ruining it for you Just give it a go. The Light at the end of the tunnel is s at the end of episode 3. So far i am really enjoying the drama and it it well worth the time invested.

!!! Annyeong !!!
