1 Night 2 Days Season 2 (1n2d2)

I cannot help it anymore i am totally addicted. I have not been able to watch any dramas since i started this lovely show. I stumbled upon it by accident and have been hooked since then. So it's a show with seven men actors and entertainers.

There are 7 men and they spend 2 days and 1 night at a location somewhere in South Korea and compete in various tasks.

The casts are Um Tae Woong, Joo Won, Lee Su Geum, Kim Jong Min, Sung Si Kyung, Chae Tae Hyun and Kim Seung-Woo

the whole cast

They basically compete for who gets a full meal, who sleeps inside and who goes home first. All in all it's a really funny show and i am addicted.

So i'm only starting from season 2 because i am familiar with practically the whole cast. And of course Joo Won is in it. Some of the games they play make no sense but it's fun to watch and you get to see a really different side of these entertainers.

Through the episodes they have become closer and are like brothers now who compete for stuff on the show. The competitions are called "Bukbulbok".

Watching these  guys act silly and play around is jus pure comedy.  Once you start you can't stop.
