A Korean Obsession Guide

Obsess Much!!!!

First of all, if you want to venture in to the K-world then you must be fore warned. It can be very fun but at the expense of your time. Why time you may ask?? Well as an individual truly obsessed with the Korean colture and fad, i have come to realize that i have no time for any of my American shows. I am constantly glued to my television or my computer or my ipad and my family has been subjected to so much k-music that they have started liking some of them. That is the if you can't beat 'em join 'em thing. You should be ready to give up most or all of your western shows because you can never have enough time for you K-Dramas if any.


You should have a playlist named Korean or whatever you want. This playlist should be dedicated to all your kpop songs and other Korean artists nothing more. Due to the k-wave i have come to like groups like SNSD, MBLAQ and so on.

As a native english speaker i can proudly say i can make it in a karaoke bar with the amount of songs i can sing (lol). And this should go everywhere with you. If you drive well you have a playlist to accompany you to work. Workout a lot hmmm wonder what playlist you need???? Your Korean one of course. Occasionally you might feel the need to listen to something else and then you do but you realize you'd rather listen to your Korean Playlist then my friend you have fallen into the fun world of K.(ahahahaha)


Grocery shopping used to be really boring for me, but after i had fallen in to the abyss, i discovered H-mart. Basically Korean heaven for someone who's obsessed like i am. You start buying almost every food you see in the K-dramas because they look so good. And after you have trend the you just cant get enough of it. 

Then starts the eating with more than one plate (The settings in the k-dramas are just too attractive). While doing this you never think hmm "who's gonna wash all of this"??. Anyway, you succeed in setting up and eating but the it becomes a daily routine. 

Some of the strange things your roommates might find around the house are a wide variety of noodles one of them being  Ramyum (got to noodles), Chop sticks, ottogi soup in the cupboard, Soju(secret stashes) and of course Kimchi. It would not be complete without some kimchi in the house. (kimchi surprisingly makes a very tasty snack) and goes well with any food. Let's just say if all you have at home is kimchi, rice and or some eggs, you'll have a very good meal.
That's when you know you are obsessed. 


If you are truly obsessed, you'll quite happily and proudly own a roku box, be subscribed to Hulu, viki and or Dramafever. You will also know about all possible sited to catch the latest dramas and also be able to watch some korean shows without english subs or whatever language you speak because you have seen so many dramas and listened to so much Korean music that you can pick up most of the words to know whats going on. It is very hard to wean yourself once you have started.

Fashion & Technology 

It is a given that while obsessing with this culture you get in touch with a fashion sense you had no clue about. The latest technology and trendy outfits are what's thrown in your face. Some of them are a bit out there and the rest are just so good that you cant help but take hints from them. In terms of technology the latest phones and tablets are used so much that it makes you want it. Kudos to the marketing team on that side because they are doing a hell of a job. I must admit, i have been heavily influences by this culture and i own a Samsung note 2 and i love it.

So if you haven't embarked on your journey yet, What are you waiting for??? Hop to it!!!!


  1. What Have You Done??!!! I am going to lose my mind and gain a ton of weight from this site I have been searching for a place to buy authentic Korean Food for ages and you find one in NJ right next door to me LOOOOOVVVVVEEEE YOUUUUU LUCY!!!! Komawo : )


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